Mildi – Thy Knight is Here

2nd September 2018

Mildi: One time when we were at school, there were teenagers playing volleyball nearby. Their ball flew right where my friends and I were walking. I dodged and so it hit my friend instead. I really regret it. Hahaha. I was feeling guilty for dodging; I should have let it hit me, I remember thinking to myself.

Safiyy: Did that affect your friendship?

Mildi: No, I’ll hit her with the ball if that became an issue. Hahaha.

Safiyy: She ought to be careful with you. You’re dynamite.

Mildi: My grandma loved tennis. She even wrote letters for Sharapova. And I used to play volleyball, but I had an accident. After that, my wrist became sensitive; I can’t handle delivering the ball. I can only play for a short time. I fell down the stairs. My wrist received the first blow before my body hit the ground. And then after that … I fell again. And again, at home. Hahaaha. I’m a bit careless and especially when I’m in a hurry.

Safiyy: What is it with you and stairs?

Mildi: Speaking of elevators, I had a dream about it last night. There was a building, and a private floor. My boyfriend’s office was at that private floor. The woman who was with me in the elevator wanted to get there too. I made up stories like “No the 13th floor is not available. Most buildings don’t offer the 13th floor because “13” is bad luck.” Then she followed me. She saw my boyfriend and had a crush on him right away. Silly dream.

Safiyy: You and your dreams.

Mildi: I have this tendency to be moody so there are times when I spend time with some friends and sometimes, I can’t make myself answer calls or talk to them that much. It was worst I think last semester. I stayed at home most of the time. I turned off the phone, and frequently deactivated my account.

Safiyy: Were you going through a hard time?

Mildi: I felt like I wasted my years, time, opportunities. I felt like I was stuck. It was draining talking to people. They approach and ask about stuff, or just want to talk, or ask for advice … they ask advice from the wrong person lol.

Safiyy: You are better off caring for animals.

Mildi: I want to experience volunteering for animals in the future. Elephants, iguana, turtles. Last time, I helped my mom in treating our pond. Our koi had lice 😱😱😱. They got contaminated by the new ones.

Safiyy: I have no interest in saving animals. I like people who do.

Mildi: So you like me.

Safiyy: How did you know?

Mildi: Funny story: when we just moved in our new house, the construction was not totally done yet. It was late at night; I heard noises from downstairs. I saw my brother and scattered stuff on the floor near our bathroom. He later said that he saw a frog at the shelf inside. He panicked and threw those things. I went and got the frog myself. He was really scared. Hahahaaaa. I think I was 8 yrs. old back then and he was like 14. I used to have spiders inside matchboxes as pets and caught grasshoppers in the field. There was one time when I arrived at my tutees house, the youngest was screaming: there was a grasshopper in their living room. Haha. The boy was really afraid of it. I caught it haha. You should go now. It’s now for you to tutor your sisters.

Safiyy: Should we end our conversation here?

Mildi: I really want you to have the time to do it and time to rest, ’cause I’m such a caring person. Hahaa

Safiyy: Thank you, caring person. Mildi, it’s been awesome talking to you. Good night and take care, Mildi.

Mildi: Good night, Safoo! 

5th September 2018

Mildi: You should really listen to “Playground in My Mind” next time.

Safiyy: I will. I promise.

Mildi: Sometimes I really do hope I can restart, but if that is possible, I’ll make sure I’ll meet you somehow. In the past, I was not the Mildi who you know now.

Safiyy: You’ve evolved..

Mildi: Sketch my brows now!

Safiyy: As you wish, princess. Queen of the seven kingdoms of earth. Heir to the Philippine throne. Mother of animals.

Mildi: Mother of animals hahahaahaaaaaahaaa. I don’t want to be a princess sipping her tea. I want to be at the battlefield.

Safiyy: Could you excuse me for an hour? My phone is on 7% charge. I need to charge it to continue.


Safiyy: Mildi.

Mildi: Yes☺️.

Safiyy: Mildi, thy knight has returned to share with thee words, in which is encoded meaning, the existence of which is contingent upon their use in life lest they have inherent meaning.

Mildi: My stomach hurts again.

Safiyy: For the aid of thy stomach, I shall search the ends of this earth … lest it be cancer.

Mildi: Haha, look who’s in a good mood. You’ve threatened the pain away. Hahahaa. So how was your one hour without me being noisy?

Safiyy: Terrible.

Mildi: Oh, and I don’t have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Safiyy: All the better for us. A free Mildi is a pleasant Mildi.

Mildi: I have to tell you about one of my embarrassing moments. Back in 8th grade, I had a crush on a boy. We were at the library; that boy came in and approached our table. My other classmates were teasing me in their own sign language. I don’t know where they got it (aliens). Haha. The boy reacted and said, “Oh, I know that.” I thought he was referring to me having a crush on him. I answered back, “NO, I DONT LIKE YOU.” He goes, “No, I meant I know what you’re studying about.”

Safiyy: You shot yourself in the foot.

Mildi: I should shut up more. Hahaha. Can I ask you something?

Safiyy: Go ahead.

Mildi: Will you miss me if I suddenly disappear? Hahaha 😂😂😂😂.

Safiyy: I’m not sure.

Mildi: Not now. I mean like any day. Oh, you won’t. I’ll miss you if that happens.. The conversation, I mean.


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